Several years ago, Brian’s mother turned 64 1/2 years old. It seemed that the very next day, her mailbox was full of “STUFF”. Stuff like flyers, letters, postcards, and marketing pieces from what it seemed was everybody who had anything to do with Medicare, or not. You see, at that point in time, the rest of the country somehow knew that she was about to turn 65 years old, meaning she would be eligible for her Medicare Benefits. Not only was her mailbox full every day, but her phone was ringing off the wall. They even had her cell phone number somehow.
Brian is an only child. His mother has worked with him for years in his business, as well as his father. Brian’s parents and he are VERY close. It wasn’t long before the mass reception of mail, phone calls and door knocks had caused his mother to be unbelievably confused about her upcoming Health Insurance Coverage – Medicare. Brian’s Mother was very excited about receiving her Medicare Benefits because for the most of her life she only had individual health plans with very high premiums, large annual deductibles, and copays. She had heard from relatives and friends that Medicare was a GREAT thing for Seniors, but the mail, phone calls, and door knocks were just making it worse – more confusing than ever, and she quickly got concerned that maybe Medicare was not as good or as GREAT as she had once thought. She quickly became very uneasy about the decisions she was facing about her Health Care Coverage.
It was then that Brian decided that he could not leave his Mother’s Health Care in the hands of someone else. He set out on a mission, studied daily, and learned everything possible to learn about Medicare, how it works, and how he could best help his Mother have wonderful Health Care Coverage at a minimal cost to her. And he did. He learned Medicare’s ins and outs and secrets. He also quickly found that after many years of “hearsay” from the “Uncle Charleys” of the world, there were a lot of untruths about Medicare that had been believed by many folks over time. The lack of factual information available about Medicare and its Benefits was a scary thought to Brian. It was a shame that SO many people were told and believed things about their upcoming Medicare Benefits that, together with the help of his family, they decided it was time to do something.
After helping both his Mother and Father obtain the right Medicare Coverage for them, he decided to “share the knowledge” and start Medicare Workshops for people who were Turning 65 soon and were eligible for their Medicare Benefits. These workshops started with small groups of folks wanting to learn the facts, and truths about Medicare in Bowling Green, KY and the surrounding area. The attendance to the meetings was shocking. In most cases a waiting list was needed because the workshops were getting to be “standing room only”, and it was then that Brian and his family decided that not only could he help others with what he was teaching, but he could provide for his family doing something he was very proud of, and sincerely cared about. Brian started an Insurance Practice and Medicare Advocate Service to help folks on Medicare from enrollment in Medicare to Medicare Supplement Insurance Coverage and Medicare Advantage policies. Over the years, his practice has grown, and now he does 2 workshops per month in Several different areas of Kentucky:
- Bowling Green, KY area
- Benton, KY area
- Danville, KY area
- Elizabethtown, KY area
- Owensboro, KY area
- Madisonville, KY area
- Franklin, KY area
And when Brian is not doing a workshop, he is usually at the kitchen tables of folks that attended his Medicare Workshops helping them with the right Medicare Coverage for them and their family.
Since the very first Medicare Workshop in Bowling Green, KY many years ago, Brian has built an insurance business that helps clients in 3 states – Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana. Brian’s Medicare Workshops are very successful because he believes that people, especially “Seniors”, no longer want to be SOLD anything. What they want and need is someone to present factual, useful information to them in a way they will understand, so that they can make an educated decision that is best for THEM and their family, Not what is best for an insurance agent or/and insurance company. His no-nonsense approach and entertaining way of teaching make the Medicare Workshops fun, exciting, and well worth someone’s time. On the day of the Medicare Workshop he dedicates all of his time, and knowledge to the attendees, making sure that they feel much better about their Medicare Benefits after the meeting, than when they arrived.
Oh, and by the way, the Free Lunch at each Medicare Workshop is just a bonus!
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Contact Brian Directly with Medicare Questions